Thursday, February 28, 2008

Guerrilla Balance Sheet Product Review

***** Overall Five Stars out of Five

Product Location:
Product Type: "$7-report"
Product Overview: While billed as a $7-report,
there are a few key differences.

First, at over 50-pages, the report is more like a

Next, the ideas are legitimately new and not some
watered down rehash.

Last, while the report basically assures there is
more to come (probably even more to buy), the
promises are fulfilled with "How to do's" as well
as "What to do's"

Product Business Purpose: The purpose of this
report is to help business owners "Never run out
of money again" by turning your expenses into
profit centers. Additionally, it focuses on how
to turn your marketing expenses into a profit

Product Quality: Quality is high and noticeable.
The authors, who are working with the father of
Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson, claim to
have generated over 9 drafts and revisions and it

In addition to be very readable and graphically
attractive, the action steps throughout and the
supporting links allow for implementation of the
ideas immediately.

Summary: The basic premise is classic business
advice causes owners to focus on the wrong things,
losing, and that may be responsible for the high
failure rate of most businesses and entrepreneurs.

An alternative approach, where you get paid for
everything you do...and specifically for the areas
of expense in your business, is offered.

While some of the case for turning expenses into
profit centers may at times seem to be more work
than they're worth...

...the main example of turning your marketing into
a profit center is spot-on, solid, and simple.

This is certainly the best $7-report I've seen in
a very long time if not the best ever.

As a final note, like most $7-reports, you earn a
commission when you recommend and promote it to
others. However, where other reports are 100%
commission, this program pays on two tiers.

Consequently, there's no 100% commission.

Additionally, when you read the report, you'll see
why it would have been incongruent for the authors
to offer a 100% commission.

Reviewer: Kelvin Yeoh

The Guerrilla Balance Sheet located on the web at is a $7-report of immense value.

Kelvin Yeoh
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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